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@ 2015-01-12 23:39:00

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"Japan might be one of the few rational countries in the world. If the economy is not growing in a way that supports having 3-5 kids per family, with a high quality of life, perhaps the rational response is for birthrates to drop. Countries that continue to grow their population over everything else wind up being pretty miserable places to live over time.

You don't primarily grow an economy through massive reproduction anyway, you do it through innovation and productivity gains. If population gains were the key to massive economic gains, Nigeria would be a leading economy, and Sweden / Denmark / Norway / Switzerland would have spent the last 20 years languishing.

Japan's nominal GDP hasn't moved in 20 years. In that time their population has remained essentially flat (+2m). In those same 20 years, Germany's population has actually declined. And in that time Germany boosted its GDP by 77% roughly. By this article's logic, Germany's economy should have spent the last 20 years in dire condition.

The age of robotics is upon us. The last thing you're going to want in the next century is a vast oversupply of human labor. Japan should allow their population to continue contracting, while they focus on replacing human labor with robotics and artificial intelligence / software."

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