""""We've come a long way from Apple Basic. Telephony modems were fun... Usenet was interesting, the Internet over ethernet was fun...but then lifestyles started to depend heavily on the internet. Now, mass surveillance, daily international cyberwar...It's no longer a strange, miraculous garden full of surprises, but more like other mediums, an appropriated, militarized and polluted playground of propaganda, a staging ground for real-life violence. An electronic Jungian shadow.
I suppose most of the NSA's work is the result of our own base, human natures, a reflection of our failures at international reconciliation. We can't have a naive internet, because the real world is still too violent. With international hatred and war, massive inequality, we can't set up a sweet, pleasant, fun, interesting electronic bridge between one another because too many people want to use that bridge to board and destroy the rest."""
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