Excuse me Sir. Your shoe is ringing.
Mani fascinē, ka t.s. "spiegi" joprojām izmanto "dead drops", "
runājošus akmeņus" utt., tā vietā, lai lietotu "military-grade" encryption.
Lai gan…pat tajās reizēs, kad viņi mēģina lietot "high-tech", tiek pieļautas newbie kļūdas:
"Chapman powered on her laptop, the same MAC Address observed on January 20th created an Ad Hoc wireless network and data flowed between the devices for at least twenty minutes. Similar exchanges were observed on April 21, 2010, May 5, 2010, June 9, 2010, and June 16, 2010, on each time, the same pair of MAC addresses created an Ad Hoc private wireless network."
Lai uzturētu labu forward-secrecy, jāmaina fizisko interfeisu adreses (
anyone?). Ad hoc AP pati par sevi ir kļūdaini izvēlēta tehnoloģija, jo, pirmkārt, nav plausible deniability iespējas. Mix it with ordinary HTTP/S traffic. Otrkārt, the receiving-party has to be in the vicinity, i.e., physically-present.
"One Russia analyst jokingly speculated that Fogle was a double agent working for the FSB, sent in to make the CIA look bad."