None of the Above ([info]artis) rakstīja,
jā, tā ir interesanta pretruna. iespējams, ka tā būtu simbioze starp brīvību tīklā un institūcijām fiziskajā realitātē, kurā nepieciešama "regulācija". te ir vairāk:

On one occasion in July 1999 William H Geiger III presented standard Ayn Rand Objectivist praise of human selfishness. "Everyone is a predator out to advance their own agenda at the expence [sic] of others. Tim is just more honest than most about it." Julian Assange replied with a defence of altruism, for Objectivists an evil.

No ... Everyone maybe self-interested. but some are self-interested in a way that is healthy (to you, or the people you care about), some in a way which is benign. and some in a manner that is pernicious. It is important to distinguish between these different behaviours and support or undermine them accordingly.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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