archangel ([info]archangel) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-05 21:26:00

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Garastāvoklis: indifferent
Mūzika:Bjork remixes

Event??? Oh! You mean like all our lives are simple chains of events. ;) Then The Event, I guess, would be creation of Ciba account. As far as I understand, all this thing is actually about "expressing yourself". And as most of verbal "self expression", this aswell is mostly bullshit. ;) As I see it, mind isn't fixed. Thoughts and views change, leaving any written message just a mark in past (usually false, thus bullshit!). Opinions may differ from different views, even in one persons mind (thus again - bullshit). There are some certain absolute truths, not worth discussing (thus all else is bullshit). Everything is relative and in most cases irrelevant (thus bullshit, as it may seem). Ofcourse, sometimes moments glance at things can teel more about person, than could ever be expressed in words, and thus important, relevant and significant! Not without reason creative work likes "brain-storming". ;) But if we grant these mementos too much attention and importance, we make ourselves look important, significant and unique (which also is complete bullshit). This way we could only arrogantly glorify ourselves and loose sense of reality, so to say - ground beneath our feet... So let us share common point of view (another bullshit) and do our best to pour less bullshit into this overwhelming chalice, to distinguish corn (words worth writing) from chaff! ;) And just to calm you down, I'll menion my perfect understanding of my own irrelevance and a bit bullshitty nature of all mentioned above. ;) That would be it for now. After publishing this I shall bear my weary thought to blunder in filthy and trivial overall pattern of society. Hope to hear a thought or two from those with clear mind out there. ;)

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2005-01-23 04:02 (saite)
And still... Questions are left unanswered. ;) Don't you want to answer those? Even if just for yourself? ;)

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