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@ 2008-10-22 12:15:00

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kad dzenbudists praktizē Shikantaza- tikai sēdēšanu- bezobjektu meditāciju, tikai vērojot domu parādīšanos un aiziešanu, vai viņa apziņa joprojām ir intencionāla? Ir gan.

Why do we look into dharmas? It is to see the reality of things as they are. We have wrong perceptions concerning reality, and therefore in our perceptions we cannot see impermanence, nondesirability, cessation, and letting go with regard to all objects of mind. The word perception here is important (samjnana). Because of these wrong perceptions we are not able to see the real nature of reality, and therefore we are caught in reality and we suffer because of that. When we see the true faces of all objects of mind then we are able to let go. We should know that here cessation, or nirvana, nirodha, is the true nature, the true face of reality as it truly is. That is what nirvana is. Nirvana is reality which goes beyond ideas of birth and death, exists and does not exist, is still there and has gone away, comes and goes.

un interesanti, ka fenomentoloģijas (huserla) interese par redukciju/epohe apziņā saistīta ar tīri gnozeoloģisku interesi, kamēr līdzīgajai praksei- atbrīvošanās no priekšstatiem un domām par lietām- meditācijā ir soterioloģisks mērķis.

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