apogs ([info]apogs) rakstīja,
@ 2007-09-29 23:47:00

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Francisco Lopez
"..There's really nothing specific I want to express or convey with my music. In that sense, it's actually incomplete until a listener has decided what 'to do' with it. It's open for use and interpretation.. When you've done hundreds of performances you usually have a collection of weird anecdotes, including people crawling on the floor, crying, feeling as carried up to heaven by angels or down to hell by demons, and the like. What I find encouraging is not the extreme examples of this, but the astonishing variety of individual experiences / reactions to the same sonic material. I interpret this a sign of openness in the content of the sonic creation, and this is also one of my main concerns: to work towards the development of a 'blank' sonic universe.."

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