antiprojekcija ([info]antiprojekcija) rakstīja,
@ 2022-06-11 13:50:00

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Vēl pēdējais spēriens pa ribām beigtajam zirgam (pirms nokāpju no tēmas)
Ok, so mums te bāž degunā "former XR spokeswoman", kas pārmetusies par AES lobijistu.

Tad, lūk, mums arī ir savi pārbēdzeji:
The former heads of nuclear power regulation in the U.S., Germany, and France, along with the former secretary to the UK’s government radiation protection committee, have issued a joint statement that in part says, “Nuclear is just not part of any feasible strategy that could counter climate change."

Starp iemesliem:

Bonus: Five former Japanese prime ministers issued declarations that Japan should break with nuclear power generation

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