andza_arrdh ([info]andza_arrdh) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-03 13:11:00

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LOL, vechu buushana
Uzjautrinaajies par Jeekaba, tjipa neveiksmiigo rezultaatu LOTR testaa. Noleemu joka peec panjemt to un peec tam lepni paraadiit, kaads muskuljots spalvains un sviedrains vecis ir sanaacis manaa atbildee. Un, luuk, ko es dabuuju:



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer.

In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software


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2005-12-05 12:25 (saite)
un nem vera es atzimeju, ka negribu sev asas austinas....
un tapat dabuju Arwen...
ta, ka...
ka tur tagad butu jaruna...starp mums meitenem runajot viss ir chikinieka...

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