andza_arrdh ([info]andza_arrdh) rakstīja,
@ 2010-09-05 20:04:00

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Varoņi iefiltrējušies ienaidnieku kultā lielās, cik viņi ir ļauni.

"Sers Walkens: ... and once I drowned a whole school of children.
Kulta līderis: "How?"
Sers Walkens: I took them one by one to come and see duckies by the lake. But there were no duckies... Only drowning."

Izrāvums no fantasy joku miniseriāla "Dolareous and associates"

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2010-09-05 21:44 (saite)
sērs Walkens ir visveiksmīgākais personāžs šājā seriālā.

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