andza_arrdh ([info]andza_arrdh) rakstīja,
@ 2005-10-24 11:57:00

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Sulaini apžilbina varavīksne. Viņš apjūk un cieš nelielu atmiņas zaudējumu. Tad atjēdzies, tad nomierinās un saka: "Ak, jā, inspekcija, jā, jā. Labi, es jūs aizvedīšu pie viņa gaišības. Tā sulainis paver durvis plašāk un ieved jūs iekšā un dodas uz augšējo stāvu, kur kamīnzālē sēž lielā šupuļkrēslā ar segu sasedzies pavecs vīrelis, greznās, bet savecējušās drēbēs. Viņš izskatās saīdzis, kad pamana, ka viņa telpā ierodas kaut kāds skuķis ar vienradzi, kurš tai seko (?!).
"Kas tie tādi?"
"Tie ir no nodokļu inspekcijas, ser."
"Kas vai tad viņi uzrādīja kādu dokumentu? Man liekas, ka es esmu nokārtojis visu ar karali jau sen!"
"Man, šķiet, ser, ka uzrādīja. Es vairs īsti neatminos. Galva uz mirkli apreiba. Vai es drīkstu ser, iziet laukā un iemalkot glāzi ūdens?"
"Jā, dodies, es pats tikš galā!"
Barons pievēršas jums un saka: "Kas te notiek? Parādiet kādu nopietnu karaļa apzīmogotu papīru, lai zinu, ka tiešām esat viņa sūtņi, nevis vienkārši kaut kādi salašņas, kurus mūsdienās nav grūti satikt, kopš tā nolāpītā varoņu un piedzīvojumu meklētāju ģilde ieviesa savu fileāli arī šajā reģionā."

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2005-10-26 22:32 (saite)
Me! Me! I wanna play too! Dudes! Where do I sign? I wanna play! Can I..?

Or there are certain rules and formalities which will keep me from joing game witch is already en route...? Hope not. Anyways, fully serious I offer my character for this session. I am adding "charsheet" or, in this case, description of my hero in case you decide I am worthy to take part in your adventures.

Here goes nothin':


Rim is tall, skinny young man with clear, almost pale skin, long, dark, straight hair which reach to his shoulders. He is wearing black clothes, most of them are made from leather, streched by thin metal chains and high-quality silk "ropes". He does not look rich, but definetly is not poor. His outlook shows dignity but no pride. His face bears no scars, eyes are calm, maybe little too curious. He is silent and slow to take any action. He would rather follow quietly than express his opinion loudly. At the moment he carries no weapons, there is just a single dagger which, most likely, serves only as an attribute to his outfit rather than real weapon. His motives are concealed and unknown not because he had any secrets, but most likely, he has been raised in a such way.

So, this is Rim. You know nothing about his past or anything, he is just there, in the room or by the doors when you meet him. He says nothing. Annnnd, you can ignore his presence and forget about his person. If I post nothing, it means Rim follows others.

So, in case you approve my offer, I will post what happens:

Rim sneaked in with the party, most likely buttler recognised him as a member of party. Because of being so silent, not the girl, nor the strange unicorn would detect his presence. He'd suddenly show up from behind and politely, respectfully put some old, allmost yellow papers in front of oldtimer. While bending over table he caughts the moment to tell the girl quick words: "Old man has weak eyes. You should have investigated this before coming here." The papers are falsificated but bear the seal of the King.

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