andza_arrdh ([info]andza_arrdh) rakstīja,
@ 2008-05-18 14:20:00

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Nevarēju noturēties, neiemetis šito citātu no Darths and Droids:

"Ah, Charisma. The classic "dump stat".

For those who don't know this term, Dungeons & Dragons characters are described by six numerical statistics: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. During character creation, players often get some leeway in assigning scores to these stats, in order to generate a character who will be suited to their desired adventuring and loot-collecting profession.

* Strength controls how well you hit and how much damage you do in combat. Important.
* Dexterity controls how well you fire ranged weapons and how good you are at avoiding being hit in combat. Important.
* Constitution controls how much damage you can take and how well you resist poison. Important.
* Intelligence controls how well you can cast spells and how easily you learn skills. Important.
* Wisdom controls how well you resist bad magic and how keen your senses are. Important.
* Charisma controls how good you look and how well you can play music.... Yeah.

So guess which stat gets the lowest score? Anyone who doesn't put a low score into Charisma must be treated with suspicion. They might be into evil stuff like "interesting character concepts" and "struggling against adversity" and "roleplaying"."

Citādi sabiju Maija grāfa svētku turnīrā, kurā man gāja šādi:
1. Pakāsu dūšīgam, bet patuklam Kendo (vai Aikido?) tēvainim, kad vēl nebiju sapratis, kas ar tādiem jāiesāk.
2. Uzveicu savu bakalaura un maģistra studiju kursa biedreni (lol)which was not much of a challenge.
3. Kad cerēju, ka beidzot būs kāda normāla cīņa, uzzināju, ka turnīrs ir beidzies.
Beigās jēdzīgākais, kas tur notika, bija sišanās ar Axelu, Džaladinu un Kiki mazajā arēnā.

Bet uz pozitīvās nots - nākamnedēļ tiek plānots palaist kādu būfu treniņu atkal. Lokācija - Biķernieku mežs, laiks un diena vēl tiks precizēti.

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2008-05-19 00:17 (saite)
andrejs.klavinsATgmail.lvcom (atvainojos, esmu losis)

Jap, mans pirmais čars tajā pašā otrajā Baldurā - intelektuālais paladins - arī totāli atsūkāja, jo tobrīd galvā bija naiva doma, ka AD&D arī var taisīt konceptčarus.

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