Izmircis radījums ([info]andux) rakstīja,
@ 2004-11-04 18:46:00

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Tālāk iet tie, kuri lasījuši un/vai skatījušies Mērnieku Laikus:

Kurš sabiedrībā kaut cik atpazīstams cilvēks jums saistās ar Lienas tēlu?

Don`t ask me, par savas literatūras skolotājas dīvainajām projektu idejām esmu burkšķējusi jau iepriekš.

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Ieva Roze
2016-02-02 01:30 (saite)
Dear honeybee!

I'm responsing to you, as for the request if you could tell me more about Ieva Roze (I'm an amateurish austrian Poet from Salzburg), I'm intensively immersed and interested into the fate and person of Ieva Roze (1971-1991), and try literally everything to get any further Information to her, to find out about her personality, fate and her character. I talked so far with several persons, with the for example editor of her two posthumous books Mr. J. Elsbergs alias Ramba, Valdis Bisenieks and a lot of other latvian poets. If you could like to speak with me, I would be more than grateful and appreciate it strongly. My email: patrikvalouch@gmx.at
Best regards from Austria! Patrik

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