analgiins ([info]analgiins) rakstīja,
@ 2009-03-25 21:31:00

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Izraēlas armijniekiem krekli parādījās.

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2009-03-25 23:41 (saite)
aha, es vakar tieši lasīju šito rakstu iekš bbc un griezu zobus,

"One example shows a pregnant Arab women in the cross-hairs of a sniper's sight with the legend "1 shot 2 kills".

Another design shows a child being similarly targeted with the slogan "the smaller they are, the harder it is".

In both images the people being targeted appear to be carrying weapons. A third T-shirt design shows a dead Palestinian baby and the words "Better use Durex" (condoms). "

un runājot par to ka hamas plaši lietoja human shieldus

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