Decisions, decisions...
So, someone in several of my Ravelry groups has this tattoo. It's fabulous. I've asked for her permission to swipe it, as I have the feeling it may be an original design. If she gives permission, here's my quandary:Poll #1219645 Yarn Tattoo
Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: AllShould I.....
View Answers...get the same tattoo? 2 (3.0%)...get a similar tattoo, but with the Horned God symbol? 26 (38.8%)...suck it up and figure out how to get them both? 6 (9.0%)....I'm sorry, what did you say? 2 (3.0%)... CLICKY BUTTON! OMG CLICKY BUTTON! 31 (46.3%)
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