akumaniaks ([info]aku) rakstīja,
@ 2005-10-23 12:21:00

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He:) ir visiem logiem dzelteni aizkari:)
Take the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"

You are a respectable, simple, and kind person. You're an american classic who enjoys fishing, hunting, and driving big trucks. You're deeper and smarter than most people think and the highligh of your year is Countryfest. You're not bound by love, sex, or any other kind of commitment. You just plain enjoy life.

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2005-10-23 12:22 (saite)
patiesībā tas ir par kādu, kas es gribētu būt:
ne ar ko nesaistīts - dzīvi mierīgi dzīvojošs

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2005-10-23 15:48 (saite)
esmu šokā par savu rezultātu
vai tiešām pēdējos 10 gados nemaz neesmu mainījusies?! šausmas!!!!!!!!

Take the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"

You're a classic punker. Hard headed and strongly motivated in government relations. You probably like a lot of underground bands that other people at your school don't really know about. You consider people who shop at Hot Topic to be posers and you're overly proud of who you are.

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2005-10-23 22:03 (saite)
Man arī kā reiz sanāca būt kantrī mūzikai :D

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2005-10-24 10:23 (saite)
Take the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"

You are all about yourself. You're a lover and when things don't go your way you become depressed. Chances are you're a very nice and likeable person but most people don't see that in you. You endulge in writing poetry and music and perhaps art. You're all about being loved and sometimes it gets to the point that your love becomes selfishness.

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