abscisu ass ([info]absciss) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-09 20:05:00

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Mūzika:the herbaliser

Suck, cock, fuck, and prick, are not bad words. Used in the bedroom by lovers to describe parts of the body, and physical activities, they are very proper indeed, and they distinctly enhance sex. Overhaul a prudish attitude. Don't whistle and stick up your nose, at least, not up in the air.

femininum - eek
masculinum - oh SHIT, what the FUCK, BITCH

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2004-03-10 01:59 (saite)
Man liekas, ka šī bija pati, pati pirmā Herbaliser dziesma, kuru dzirdēju, bet nu pavisam noteikti ne pēdējā.

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