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@ 2009-12-20 18:48:00

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Mūzika:A Fine Frenzy - Christmas Time Is Here

18. novembrī svin Mikimausa dzimeni.
Walt Disney designed the character while riding on a train back to Los Angeles with his wife Lillian. After completing his sketch, Walt showed it to Lillian and said his name was Mortimer Mouse. Lillian did not like the name and suggested Mickey Mouse.
As for Minnie Mouse, her real name is actually Minerva Mouse.

Vai vai vai!

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2009-12-21 03:08 (saite)
gan jau cienā ar šādām, hehe

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2009-12-21 11:12 (saite)
haha, jā! Es tādu gribētu!

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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