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Informācija par lietotāju
Zemāk ir redzama informācija par raspberryjam. pielabot profilu.

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Lietotājs:raspberryjam (18652) raspberryjam
Atrodas:A liver!, Latvia
Dzimšanas diena:1989-11-08
Bio:1. Place sugar in an ovenproof shallow pan and warm in a 250°F (120°C) oven for 15 minutes. (Warm sugar dissolves better.)

2. Place berries in a large stainless steel or enamel saucepan. Bring to a full boil over high heat, mashing berries with a potato masher as they heat. Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

3. Add warm sugar, return to a boil, and boil until mixture will form a gel , about 5 minutes.

4. Ladle into sterilized jars.

I am a bastard son of hypocrisy and honesty.

Intereses:7: bazookas, fantasy, guitars, jam, raspberries, rpg, sci-fi. [Pamainīt savējās]
People2:silhouette, sleepwalker
Esmu draugs:3: red_passion, silhouette, sleepwalker
Lietotāja tips:Bezmaksas lietotājs
Izveidots:2008-03-03 00:27:38
Pēdējais ieraksts:2008-03-15 16:58:42, pirms 848 nedēļām
Izmantotie klienti :Web: 2.0.0
Žurnāla ieraksti:4
Nopūtas:Izdvestas: 5 –Saņemtas: 6
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