proud to be peevish ([info]divi_g) rakstīja [info]uncyclop_quotes kopienā,
@ 2010-09-05 23:05:00

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... the Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.).

Renowed for his hide and seek skills even as a small child, Bin Laden has in recent years made several pleads to the White House complaining that he must have won the round by now and it should be George Bush's turn to hide.

This first taste of American blood, full of sugar, caffeine and saturated fats, turned into a habit for poor little bin Laden.

University of Killtheinfidels has discovered that Osama bin Laden is related to Osama Grain Bin; Bins N. Tubbs; Bin Dare Dun Dat and Reecikle Bin.

Religiously, bin Laden is a Sunni Muslim who expresses a deep tolerance for individuals of opposing viewpoints, who he respectfully refers to as "infidels" (kafir in Arabic, meaning "pigdog shit-eating scum").

There is a growing list of incidents that bin Laden and Al-Qaeda have claimed responsibility for, including Lindsay Lohan's DUI, killing Chris Benoit and his family, the Holocaust, and the Lindbergh baby kidnapping.

His spokesmodel in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was terminated when his marketing efforts in Iraq killed off more customers than convinced them to buy his products.

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