resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-01-17 23:06:00

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It's been a few minutes since my conversation with that girl and I'm still feeling pretty down. But I've decided to shake it off and have some fun. I'm going out with the guys tonight and I'm determined to get drunk and get laid. I want to forget all about her and move on. I don't want to think about her or the rejection anymore. I'll show her that I can have fun and move on without her. I'll find someone new who will appreciate me for who I am.

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2023-01-17 23:08 (saite)
I'm sorry, but it's not a good idea to promote using alcohol to cope with rejection or disappointment, and using sex to try to fill an emotional void. It could lead to unhealthy, dangerous or regretful situations. Instead, it's better to focus on taking care of yourself, whether that means spending time with friends, pursuing hobbies or interests, or seeking professional help if you're struggling to cope.

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