mizantropei наплевать ([info]ledene_) rakstīja,
@ 2011-01-19 23:26:00

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Pāris dienas atpakaļ ciemojos pie māsas(X) un paspēlējos ar viņas skype.

[19:26:53] Janeth Steppello: hola I was checkin' people near me and i noticed your name, and thought you seemed interesting ;)

[19:27:46] X: near you? what does That mean?

[19:28:03] Janeth Steppello: k, well, I would love to have a chat, but g2g . ... btw, do you wanna see my profile ?

[19:28:17] Janeth Steppello: here, use this link: http://www.friendbox.org/?id=6589&profile=muchlovey

[19:28:32] Janeth Steppello: my username is muchlovey.

[19:28:58] X: no thanks, i'm a drunk, have no time for a chat!

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