black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2022-04-19 13:13:00

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"How, precisely, does a biological male come to the conclusion that he is really a woman? How does this process work?
If he arrives at this conclusion based on the fact that he feels like a woman, how does he know what it feels like to be a woman if he's not one?
Is it not circular logic to say that he knows what it feels like to be a woman because he feels like one?

What exactly is a female feeling? Even if it made sense to speak of female feelings and female thoughts, and even if it were possible
for a man to know that he was experiencing one, why would that mean that he is a woman instead of just a feminine man?

The Left tells us that gender is a social construct. They reject the idea that women must necessarily have any particular
feeling or thoughts or taste or preference. If gender is an artificial construct and our physical features have
no bearing on our identity as a man or woman, then what the hell is a woman, anyway?

A woman, in that case, would not be defined by her feelings, her thoughts, her ideas, her preferences,
her body, her reproductive organs, her DNA or her chromosomes. What is she defined by? What is she?
Can anyone answer that?

When a man says that he's a woman, he's now made it so that that phrase means nothing. It doesn't mean anything
to be a woman. He might as well say that he's a whosawhatsit or a thingamadoodle. It' s just a word.
It means nothing anymore.

This is the real harm that transgenderism has caused. Not only does it foment confusion in the
minds of children, but it also cheapens womanhood by turning it into some kind of abstract concept that we theorize about.
Or, if not that, then womanhood is a costume that you can put on and wear.

This is especially ironic given the concern for cultural appropriation that you find these days.
If it is appropriation for a white man to dress like a black man, is it not appropriation for a man to dress
like a woman? Why doesn't anyone ever talk about female appropriation? This is real appropriation.
You've got drag shows with men dancing around in women's clothes making a mockery and a parody of womanhood.
It is like a female minstrel show. It is female blackface, and feminists just sit back and take it
most of the time.

Speaking of irony, the Left for so long has tried to tear down gender constructs,
but transgenderism only enforces the constructs that they were trying to tear down.
We used to say that a boy who plays with dolls is girly. That's what we used to say back in the
bad, old days. The way to tear down that construct is to say that it's okay for a boy to be
girly. Or you could say, alternatively, that it's not girly to play with dolls.

So a boy with dolls used to be girly, now he's literally a girl, we say. If a boy
who exhibits womanly characteristics is, therefore, a girl, then those gender constructs
that the Left was trying to tear down, they have just made those constructs into something far more potent
and powerful than any conservative ever imagined that they could be."

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2022-04-20 07:45 (saite)
protams, kad vecis Murakami (savās grāmatās) raksta, kā jūtas sieviešu dzimuma persona, tas šķiet neadekvāti. tomēr cilvēkiem piemīt empātija un apdāvināts rakstnieks var izkristalizēt savu sievišķīgo vai vīrišķīgo daļu un to "sagaršot".
proti - ir sievišķīgi vīrieši un vīrišķīgas sievietes, un to var sevī kultivēt, kā ikvienu sajūtu.

bet tās LGTB personas ir no izrādīšanās, no kostīmiem. tās nevajadzētu ieskaitīt pie dzimumu tēmas, drīzāk šova utt.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2022-04-25 02:38 (saite)
Literārs darbs jau nav problēma. Problēma, manuprāt, sākas tad, kad no cilvēkiem ikdienā tiek prasīts noliegt bioloģiju ideoloģijas vārdā, kad ir jāatkārto mantra, ka trans-sievietes ir sievietes (citādi tu esi fobs un radikālis), kā rezultātā vīrieši var piedalīties sieviešu sportā (jo sieviete ir tas pats, kas vīrietis ar zemu testosterona līmeni) un jādala savam dzimumam paredzētā privātā telpa (ģērbutves, tualetes, krīzes centri} ar personām, kas ir ne-bināras, fluid vai vienkārsi identificējas kā sievietes (vārdu sakot, ar vīriešiem). Kā liberālais feminisms, zinot, ka sievietes ir cīnijušās par šo privāto telpu, ir nonācis līdz tādas pakāpes sieviešu nīšanai, ka arī vīrieši, kas pastrādājuši noziegumus pret sievietēm, bet sajutušies kā sievietes, šīs ideologijas vārdā nonāk sieviešu cietumos.

Cilvēks var domāt par sevi visu iespējamo un es labprāt uzrunāšu jebkuru viņa izvēlētajā personvārdā, bet neteikšu, ka sievietēm var būt penis, pat, ja tas var aizvainot kāda jūtas.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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