Rupjā sāls. Andris Saulītis ([info]slysts) rakstīja,
@ 2007-08-08 01:13:00

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Somija ar Laurensu, kuram nepatīk Nīderlandes monarhija un viss pārējais
Es - "Tulpen uit Amsterdam"
Laurens: - :)
Es - It is going to start in some 5 minutes.
Laurens: -Same here, thanks to another inspiring speaker.
-He could help us by changing the slides faster.
-Or talk faster, or look at us...
-Unfortunately there is no American, who usually interrupted the speaker with 'interesting' questions.
-He has had enough of Finland, I think.
-We should ask the lecturer something about Eurovision as a part of foreign trade.
-"The growth of the export of "Lordi" dolls". American is definitely doing something else. He hasn't asked a single question.
-He's looking at the G. W. Bush picture gallery.
-Yeah, he has his hand in a strange place.

Laurens: Finn making a joke?
Es: He tries...

Laurens: I'm falling asleep...
Es: I can sing You silently "Tulpen uit Amsterdam"...
Laurens: Do You want to be killed?

Laurens: He's only looking at his papers and at Angela!
Es: He only have these 3 slides?
Laurens: He just got back from holiday and didn't have time to prepare, I guess.
Es: He's going to get from me.
Laurens: Do You have a pillow?
Es: Do You have a hammer?
Laurens: Shit, Michael is recording everything.
Es: His attitude is like some visit to teenagers interest group...
Laurens: He tries to impress and win over Angela. And it seems as if it's working.
Es: And Angela is using chewing gum as a tool.
Laurens: I was going to say something really dirty and filthy, but I can't. Look at her right hand...

Laurens: Look at Angela!
Es: That's only what we got!
Laurens: Ming is sleeping.

Laurens: And another inspiring speaker...
Es: Angela enjoys...
Laurens: Look at how she's undressing him with her eyes!
Es: Our agent Smart from USA cleverly sits opposite, that we wouldn't see, where he is surfing.
Laurens: Yes, he's got a question. Welcome back.

Laurens: Don't they have PowerPoint in Finland?
Es: No, it is digitalised.

Es: Pillow in the studio!
Laurens: I'm already bored.
Es: What's next?
Laurens: She speaks faster than most Finns, but does she have anything to say?

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