"It is clear that over the past few years there has been an increase in fear of offence, alongside enhanced attempts to control speech so that it doesn’t occur. The concept of “hate speech” is now established in the lexicon, and it is common to hear influential figures complaining about “inflammatory” or “toxic” language well before they get round to criticising the intellectual substance of what is being said. As it happens, we got a good example of this on Friday in the assisted dying bill debate, when the Labour MP Cat Eccles indignantly interrupted the Tory Danny Kruger to object that he was using “offensive” and “incorrect” language by saying — accurately, in my view — that assisted dying involves “suicide”.
Perhaps Eccles was personally offended by Kruger’s straightforward language, but actually I doubt it. I have a theory that when someone criticises “offensive” language with the aim of getting the speaker to stop talking, they are rarely expressing offence on their own behalf. Rather, it is on some other imagined party’s behalf, towards whom they feel protective. One problem with this is that it is possible, at least in theory, for a set of statements to be treated as completely off limits, without anyone actually feeling offended by it.
But the main problem is that very often the need to discuss an important issue clearly, unambiguously and freely, as the argument takes you, is greater than the need not to upset certain groups of people by the words you use. When it comes to addressing social problems, policing offensive statements — religious or secular — should be the least of our worries."
Ketlīna Stoka
https://www.thetimes.com/article/0554c454-db64-4fb0-aebc-4d0a7fc1e76c?shareToken=a39d998c70f3c2984d4d94a75f470897Vakar atklāju labu yt kanālu - viens advokāts analizē visādus aktuālos notikumus no legālās perspektīvas. Mazliet kaitinošas ir biežās atrunas, bet tas ir saprotami, viņš droši vien negrib, lai viņam atņemtu licenci. Tiesa gan, interesanti būs tikai tiem, kas vai nu ir no UK vai kuriem interesē, kas notiek UK. Man patika kā viņš ķidāja sacīto zaimošanas likumu sakarā
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y23o8wsie-cVai kā Skotijā augstākā tiesa šobrīd lemj, kas ir sieviete