Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2008-09-29 23:29:00

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U.S. lawmakers in the House of Representatives on Monday voted against the biggest proposed government intervention in the U.S. economy since the Great Depression of 1929.

Government officials, Treasury chiefs and political leaders from both sides of the political divide thought they had agreed Sunday on the details of a $700 billion rescue plan that would prop up the nation's ailing financial system -- and be supported in the House of Representatives.

As it became apparent the vote was lost, the Dow plunged and closed about 690 points down.

Republicans and Democrats blamed each other for the result -- 205 to 228 against the bailout.

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(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2008-09-30 00:41 (saite)
"Когда у вас в последний раз кто-либо просил 700 миллиардов долларов?", - задала вопрос коллегам-законодателям в своем выступлении перед голосованием спикер палаты представителей демократка Нэнси Пелоси.

vobšem nomaucās visi indeksi, kas vien varēja. rīt tāpat nomauksies krievijas biržas indeksi

ļaunuma vairāk no tāda 700 miljardu pieprasījuma, nekā labuma. arī piešķiršanas gadījumā.

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2008-09-30 08:13 (saite)
Dow suffers biggest point drop in history, falling nearly 778 points in reaction to House vote rejecting economic rescue. (c) CNN

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