resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-08-08 07:22:00

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Steve, former manager at work - VP Sales, 52, heart attack 1 week after his booster; Steve was a vocal advocate of the injections, tried to convince me to take it “to do the right thing” and stated everyone in his family would be vaccinated (see below).

Steve’s 16 yo daughter - HS soccer star, full scholarship to Univ of UT, heart attack after booster and permanently disabled; had to have a pacemaker installed for the rest of her life. Her heart attack happened while Steve was in the hospital recovering from his heart attack.

Steve’s daughter’s 16 year-old boyfriend - HS football star, heart attack after 2nd injection, can never play sports again. The boyfriend had his heart attack 2 weeks after Steve’s daughter. All three of them (Steve, daughter, boyfriend) all went to the same doctor to get injected together. They all had cardiac injuries within 1 to 2 weeks of each other.

#dari-pareizo-lietu #viens-teļļuks-teica #ābols-no-ābeles #bumbiers-no-ābola-no-ābeles

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