elibom_suxel ([info]elibom_suxel) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-17 14:25:00

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Ehihihiihihi testing friends
Ehihihiihihi testing friends! kubanlag WOOHOO! isprikitik YEHEY!! paysis OLRAYT!! SO THERE!! well, i've been busy making GetBackers FanArt for my Deviantart account HEHE that's why i haven'twrote somethingfor awhile.. i'll let Saku invade thisblog of ours. Lalalalal~ *glomps Haku* Isn't he the cutest ever? Im still thinking if i support him & Zabuza as a couple but.. hmmm.. maybe! XD ARGH HOW COME NIKITA'S (Romeo) VOICE SOUNDS LIKE HUCK (Tom Sawyer) ?!?! AAAHHHH *dies* Demmit i love her! she's me favorite! BOOHOO

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