cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2014-04-10 09:51:00

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Entry tags:cochrane, media, pharma, research

Cochrane Collaboration publicē pētījumu par Tamiflu: "Compared with a placebo, taking Tamiflu led to a quicker alleviation of influenza-like symptoms of just half a day (from 7 days to 6.3 days) in adults, but the effect in children was more uncertain. There was no evidence of a reduction in hospitalisations or serious influenza complications; confirmed pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis or ear infection in either adults or children." Šeit publikācija BMJ.

Interesanti, kā BBC tekstā lietota pagātnes forma, lai gan pētījums ir publiskots šodien: "The Cochrane Collaboration claimed the drug did not prevent the spread of flu or reduce dangerous complications, and only slightly helped symptoms." Principā, autori to apgalvo, nevis apgalvoja kaut kad agrāk. Turpat ir atrodams arī savdabīgs Prof Wendy Barclay komentārs: "If it [Tamiflu] works a little bit in season flu, the chances are they'll work quite a lot better in a pandemic situation and get more people back to school and work." What?!

Salīdzinājumam, The Guardian.

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