iedarbīgas zāles ([info]bez4pieci) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-10 09:15:00

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 pan american - 360 Business/360 Bypass - double rail

pirms doties sapņu pasaulē.(gribēju šo iepostēt vakar, bet kaut kas nojuka)

On all three of his releases, the eponymous 1998 debut record, 2000's 360 Business/360 Bypass, and 2002's The River Made No Sound, Mark Nelson [the author of PAN AMERICAN solo-project] has created brilliantly minimal compositions of hypnotic, ambient drift that slither dangerously around the edges of your consciousness. Hot velvet night rhythms move slow like a snaky two-lane road through the jungle at night. On either side lie odd moonlit musical landmarks: muted hard bop cornet flourishes by Chicago underground jazz legend Rob Mazurek, funereal vocals by Low's Mimi Parker and Alan Sparhawk, lonesome after-hours piano, cool accents of acoustic guitar and pedal steel, sci-fi soundtrack bleeps and squiggles. The mood is exotic, but you won't be a safe, comfortable tourist in the tropical, unfamiliar landscape Pan-American inhabits. It may be slow and ambient, but it isn't quite chill-out music; there's always a hint of the unknown and unpredictable, the dark and seedy, the life that unfolds in the shadows just beyond your sight.

(intervija ar marku nelsonu) vienalga interesanti, kā kāds no mīļākās dziesmas zz top izpildījumā spēj nonākt līdz kaut kam šādam.


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