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Klejotājs - Sinopse lugai "the story about Hound and Swan"

27. Mar 2009 17:42 Sinopse lugai "the story about Hound and Swan"

Meet Swan.
Arthur Swan.
He works in the shop.
Meet Hound.
Stewart Hound.
He also works in the shop.
Every day they spend their evenings on the couch, watching soaps and TV shows with a beer can in hands. Every day they go to their jobs and every day they come back. No problems. And no kids. “ I am getting used to. And I like it. No huge responsibilities. AND I am getting paid. It's brilliant!” says Hound.
But is it realy brilliant? Doing nothing for becoming a respectable person in society? And what about real life, real happiness? Can if falls from the sky? Or is it in a form of a deer? And if you don't get it lifelong, maybe you can count on afterlife?
But is it the best choise?
Come to the world of Hound and Swan. And see, how correct choises in the best time can change your or maybe others'life. How a simple turn can roll it upside down. For better living.
Or maybe it's better to die?
But will you do it in someone's place? And even if you love to live?

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