olcha17 ([info]olcha17) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-31 04:17:00

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shiny new friends!
for shame,nobody made me a mixtape!one lovely girlie did, but it was not especially for me.eeeiieeieieeiei! cass! is my brand new friend who lives in {you'll never believe me} melbourne! of all my favourite places, & i am sending her sour peach hearts! & refraining from stalking her but only because i want her to send me lollies too.we are brothers, and you are jealous.we have so many sames!i..hurt myself today..to see if i could feel, i..focused on the pain..the only thing that's realblah blah blah. nice one, trentsometimes i think trent is so cuntishi love to hate himanyway, the truth of the matter is that today i shaved myself a little too deeply, & by that i mean i took my girlie aqua razor to my wrists & pressed down. singing a tiny song about how much it stung. i am such a little girl.& it was all for the purposes of art, of course!for i am not some sort of self-mutilator, mon amie :)you know it.michael tells me i should respect my stalkers,i.e. himi truly wish he'd leave me be. & he has mainly, and thats another problem.he claims to be "in love". yet, what has he done?throughout our friendship's reign i was always the actionman. always called, wrote loveletters, etc. etc.but him?there were no attempts for contact! no vending machine rings! no songs!and he is a musician.so what is he good for!noootttthhhhhinggg.and if he was at all intelligent. he'd quit this daffy talk about how,i made him neurotic,he needs me,he'll never leave me alone& he "knows" i'll go back & be his friend.& just be a normal, non-swampy guycause thats what he is, swampy.too swathed in negativity, moroseness, self-consciousnesshe has no idea how to have fun.& that is just something i cannot respect.plus, he imagines he is better than he is.& not in that quirky lovely girlie loony mad granny way like pizzicato five & betty & ihe just doesnt get away with it.because he is a boy.i am somewhat femininist in my sensibilities. not because i hate men.au contraire.but because, i think it is a sorry thing to be a boy! i just like being a girl so much!but i do love my boys,but mostly they should be more feminine.im not trying to turn us into a race of women. more like, androgyny, yes.because as a girl i can dress & act like a boy & girl. switch,mix 'n' matchbut boys cant do the same without being "gay" or trannies or placebo fans.they should all line their eyes in smoky black if they please!and air kiss us hello,& stop watching the goddamn football.appreciate the aesthetics. the culinary delights.listen to the musique, rather than the screams, the australian meat-pie voices & grunts.which boys can we convert?p.s. i think maya's brother gabriel is such a darling! baiser de baiser.{i hear that means kisskiss}{i also hear it means sexing. haha}{oops}

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