Skaistule ([info]frikadele) rakstīja,
@ 2003-11-27 18:55:00

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big black boots...
Wanna be wild cos my life's so tame
Here am I going nowhere on a train
Here am I growing older in the rain

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2003-11-27 19:39 (saite)
Short short skirt and a loooooooooooooooooooooong jacket

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2003-11-27 19:42 (saite)
Ar straumeem uz juuru, kas shalkdamas plust
Ar to kas ir bijis un ar to, kam buus buut...
Lai noreibstam laimee un apskaujam tos,
Ko dziiviiba dod, lai mees piepildiitos;-)

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2003-11-27 19:59 (saite)
here am i, getting lost and lonely
sad and only, why sometimes does my life feel so tame?

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2003-11-27 23:01 (saite)

.....Leave me the birds and the bees

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2003-11-29 11:29 (saite)
He sells boots,
She sells shoes,
He's gonna loose,
But nothing ever changes.

=))) Meldra 4ever =)

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2003-12-01 21:40 (saite)
TU esi vienreizēja!!! :**** mcmc :D

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