black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-12-17 12:17:00

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punching down ir tāds feministu podkāsts 'Visas labas', šad tad paklausos. Nesen tur bija jautājums vai drīkst jokot par visu un tika izteikta doma, ka ne, ka nevar par tiem, kas hierarhijā ir zemāk par tevi.

Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:

"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."

Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power."

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based viedoklis
2024-12-17 22:19 (saite)
it kā jau var piekrist, ka unprecidency untabled cool thing, bet for what it is wurth

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