black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-09-02 11:16:00

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"..we know that, when homing, pigeons fly as to keep their favorite partners to the left, where they can be monitored by the right hemisphere, and pigeons observe visual cues from a given conspecific more closely with their left eye, and are more responsive to what is seen to their left. By contrast, birds' territorial behavior is right eye (LH) dominated. Similarly, male fish show more sexually motivated behavior using their right eye (LH), females with the left eye (RH); and both generally more affiliate behaviour with their left eye (RH). Bottlenose dolphins tend to stroke other dolphins more with their left flipper, and keep their preferred conspecifics to the left. At the most primal level, the emphatically connected right hemisphere prefers to keep what it guards to its left: creatures as various as whales, walruses and flying foxes prefer to keep their young to the left of them, a tendency I have had on occasion also to observe with ewes and their lambs."

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