Cik šitas ir pretīgi! PSRS laikos (vismaz spriežot pēc vecajiem "Zinātne un Tehnika" numuriem) valdība centās visu automatizēt, lai sasniegtu komunitārismu un laimīgu dzīvi.
Bet Rietumvalstu kreisie cīnās ar streikiem pret automatizāciju„Port employers will still be blocked from implementing “fully automated” port technology: the employers cannot implement equipment that is “devoid of human interaction.” And the union and the employers have to agree on implementing any new technology; if they cannot agree, the question gets sent to arbitration.
This language prevents East and Gulf Coast port employers from implementing the more extreme forms of automation seen in other parts of the world, including the Long Beach Container Terminal, in Southern California, where autonomous trucks and cranes entirely replace human operators."
To viņi ir panākuši. Un, kas ir vispretīgākais? Ka Baidens nejaucās iekšā, bet Tramps (labais, apjūsmotais, MAGA it kā draudzīgais) iejaucās un nostājās strādnieku pusē un panāca automatizācijas daļēju aizliegumu."There has been a lot of discussion having to do with “automation” on United States docks. I’ve studied automation, and know just about everything there is to know about it. The amount of money saved is nowhere near the distress, hurt, and harm it causes for American Workers, in this case, our Longshoremen. Foreign companies have made a fortune in the U.S. by giving them access to our markets. They shouldn’t be looking for every last penny knowing how many families are hurt. They’ve got record profits, and I’d rather these foreign companies spend it on the great men and women on our docks, than machinery, which is expensive, and which will constantly have to be replaced. In the end, there’s no gain for them, and I hope that they will understand how important an issue this is for me. For the great privilege of accessing our markets, these foreign companies should hire our incredible American Workers, instead of laying them off, and sending those profits back to foreign countries. It is time to put AMERICA FIRST!"
Protams, ka Ķīna iet PSRS ceļu un cīnās par automatizāciju, vieglāku un jēgaa pilnāku dzīvi cilvēkiem. Šī ir tā starpība starp Rietumu un Austrumu marksistiem. Un šis parāda kā Rietumu kreisās kustības diskreditē progresīvismu un progresu. Un tāpēc Rietumu kreisie zaudē, bet Rietumu tehnoloģiju fani (Masks, Andrīsens, utt. Utt.) gūst politiskos panākumus un kopā ar labējiem radikāļiem veido cīņas fronti pret Rietumu kreisajiem, lai sasniegtu un īstenotu Austrumu kreiso progresīvās idejas.