dasha9u4 ([info]dasha9u4) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-21 00:21:00

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what a day.
ok, so technically, i'm talkin bout yesterday, but yeah. it was wierd, cuz on tuesday i broke up with my bf, and on thursday the guy i'd dated before him asked me out again. i said sure, cuz i figured it was a friend thing. he said he'd come over that night with the ticket, but he didn't. i tried to call him the next night, and again yesterday afternoon. so i ended up not going anywhere, except to the bookstore with my mom.but i did do some chores and redecorate my walls: i took down all my pictures of hot half-nekkid men and women and put up pics of my friends. tomorrow...er, today, i have workshop, so i be ending this entry now. ta!

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