sic ([info]sic) rakstīja,
@ 2005-02-20 19:36:00

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Mūzika:murderdolls - DIE MY BRIDE

deep shits...
i see the sun begin to shine
and black clouds go away
i see this empty bottle of wine
and its laying next to me
i feel my head begin to ache
and im in so much pain
i see that picture on the wall
and i feel terrible again
i feel my eyes been filled up with tears
and im crying again
i reach for the next bottle of wine
and im drinking again
i see the picture starts to blur
and im wasted again
i feel this pain inside me
and im dying...
i see this bright shining light
and i feel so free
i see myself lying on the ground
and im so calm now
i see that picture on the wall...
and i hope to see her again

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