Rolands ([info]caalislv) rakstīja,
@ 2010-03-25 00:40:00

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I still can't seem to get used to having your life in such short timeframes.
A single interaction in the kitchen and you're allready late for something,
usually enough sleep in life.

First time ever for 6 months living in this house,
I've just had my first drink with the people who are supposed to be my housemates.
It was strange, at first. Then we had some weed.. It was all right, but then it all went the wrong direction.
They sort of became pushy with theyr viewpoints in life, and seemed making up a lot of lines about luck and faith,
as an excuse for being nowhere in life -
in theyr thirties, standing in this shitty kitchen.
Living in this small** town between London and Reading.
People with the sort of a negative presence about themselves.
Who are friendly, but you dont really want to be around them.

I dislike - low expectations in life.

**(dead end)

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