tumsone ([info]tumsiigaa) rakstīja [info]vel_viens_tests kopienā,
@ 2005-12-26 12:40:00

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neslikti :]

Your celebrity match is Jake Gyllenhaal. You like your men shy and charming.


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

kaut gan tīri labi der arī šis :]

Your celebrity match is Johnny Depp. You like your men funny and smart.


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

bet ja es būtu lesbiete vai džeks...
Hā! precīzi! :]

Your celebrity match is Angelina Jolie. You like your women hot, with a little bit of a bad girl streak.


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

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2006-02-04 10:41 (saite)

Your celebrity match is Diego Luna. You like your men soulful and passionate.


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

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