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Which Greek Goddess are you? (pics\detailed\etc)

You are Medusa! (Although Medusa is considered evil in many stories, she wasn't really bad, but actually misunderstood) You are probably a very, very beautiful girl. You might make mistakes sometimes, just as Medusa did, but, hey, we're only human. "Medusa has the face of a beautiful woman. It is only her expression of deep sorrow - and the intertwined snakes around her head - that hint that this is a representation of the monster of myth and legend. This manner of depiction reveals that Medusa was originally a lovely woman."In your lifetime, you might have made a mistake and are paying a heavy price for it, same as Medusa. Perhaps you are going through a rough point of your life. Role- Symbols- Sovereign female wisdom, The female mysteries, Africa, snakes, purification through death.Story- Medusa was the only mortal of the three Gorgons, and apparently was born beautiful, and was a priestess of Athena's, but then she slept with Poseidon in Athena's temple. Now, Athena, one of the three VIRGIN goddesses, wasn't very happy that people were having sex in her temple. So, she got angry and cursed Medusa...which is where all the snakes come into the story. She'd been known for having great hair, and Athena changed all her beautiful locks into serpents. Looking into Medusa's eyes also resulted in turning men into stone. (Translations of this story say that Medusa was, in fact, raped instead. Athena didn't believe her story and still changed her hair into snakes. Medusa's eyes still turned men to stone out of her bitter rage for being raped.) __________________________________I worked my butt off on this quiz! It took me forever to create it, and it only takes a second to rate it!
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