The magician represents the conscious mind. With focus on an idea or goal, the conscious mind sets into action these ideas and brings them forth to the material world. The magicians hands are stretched forth, one to the sky holding a wand, and the other pointing to the ground below. This is suggestive that as is "as above, so below". The table in front of him has all the tools to make this possible. The wand, cup, sword, and pentacle, which are representative of all the suits to the tarot cards. The mage has an undergarment of pure white, showing his pure wisdom and is held shut by the serpent around his waist. The outer garment is red, symbolic of desire and passion, which has no belt holding it shut so it can be removed if necessary. The flowers in the garden represent things as well. The red roses are symbolic of desires, and the white lilies represent pure thought, untainted by desire. This card is under the vibration of the number 1.
some extra words:
taking action doing what needs to be done realizing your potential making what's possible real practicing what you preach carrying out plans producing magical results using your talents
acting consciously knowing what you are doing and why acknowledging your motivations understanding your intentions examining the known situation concentrating
having singleness of purpose being totally committed applying the force of your will feeling centered setting aside distractions focusing on a goal
experiencing power making a strong impact having vitality creating miracles becoming energized feeling vigorous being creative