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@ 2005-02-28 20:45:00

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Mūzika:Morcheeba - Fear And Love

Dziesma no La Femme Nikita saundtreka
Morcheeba - Fear And Love

We always have a choice
Or at least I think we do
We can always use our voice
I thought this to be true
We can live in fear
Extend our selves to love
We can fall below
Or lift our selves above
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear
Fear can stop you loving
But it’s not always that clear
I always try so hard
To share my self around
But now I’m closing up again
Drilling through the ground
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear
Fear can stop you loving
But it’s not always that clear
I’d love to give my self away
But I find it hard to trust
I’ve got no map to find my way
Amongst these clouds of dust
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear
Fear can stop you loving
Love can stop your fear
Fear can stop you loving
But it’s not always that clear

Klausoties gribas aizvērt acis un pilnībā ieslīgt katrā notī...katrā burtā.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2005-02-28 21:21 (saite)

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2005-03-05 22:43 (saite)
so dziesmu es butiba dievinu...ari pedeja laika klausos vinu un aizmirstu pasauli heh

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2005-03-14 20:14 (saite)
Man šī dziesma kādā grūtā laikā bija tāda klusa himna uz atbrīvošanos. Klausījos uz graboša kasetnieka, katru dienu. Un arī tagad atceros katru vārdu, katru noti joprojām. Ar laiku noteikti ierakstīšu labā kvalitātē, jo ja tā padomā - nianses noteikti nemaz nezinu, no tās kasetes jau miglains tas skanējums bija.

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2005-03-17 23:34 (saite)
zinu! taadas atminjas par radoshaas nometnes diseneem pirms vairaakiem gadiem atsita! taa praktiski bija beerniibas beeru himna, un, lai gan parasti klausos ko citu, tik un taa pa reizei mp3 pleijerii palaizhu arii sho.
mazliet liidzinaas Portishead

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2005-04-25 11:13 (saite)
Mmmmm...., jaa klausos gan sho dziesmu, gan visu sondrtaku, gan arii Portishead....

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2005-05-03 22:45 (saite)
iesaku Morcheebas albumu Big Calm.

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