simtgadīgsbērns ([info]sofia) rakstīja [info]quotes kopienā,
@ 2010-02-05 01:48:00

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vienas sarunas divas daļas:
- My name is Town. My colleague here is Mister Road. We’re investigating the disappearance of two of our associates.
- What were their names?
- I’m sorry?
- Tell me their names. I want to know what they were called. Your associates. Tell me their names and maybe I’ll help you.
- . . . Okay. Their names were Mister Stone and Mister Wood. Now, can we ask you some questions?
- Do you guys just see things and pick names? ‘Oh, you be Mister Sidewalk, he’s Mister Carpet, say hello to Mister Airplane’?


- Otherwise, you’ll have to introduce me to your friends Mister Thumbscrews and Mister Pentothal?
- Ma’am, you aren’t making this any easier on yourself.
- Gee. I’m sorry. Now, is there anything else? ‘Cos I’m going to say ‘Buh-bye now’ and close the door and I figure you two are going to go and get into Mister Car and drive away.

/from 'American Gods' a book by Neil Gaiman/

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