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@ 2010-01-06 18:12:00

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Garastāvoklis:tīred and slīpī
Mūzika:voltaire - the vampire club

žēl, ka nedrīkst ielikt visu :P
dziesma, kas mani nenormāli pozitīvi uzlādē, pat 'melnajās dienās':
[ielikšu atsaucīti uz visu tekstu, pārāk foršs vnk]

Voltaire - God Thinks

visādi citādi - citāti:
'God thinks all blacks are obsolete farm equipment
God thinks the Jews killed his son and must be punished'

'I know what God thinks
God thinks you're a waste of flesh'

'God thinks the sun revolves around the Earth
God thinks there was something very wrong with Copernicus
God thinks abortion is murder and
God thinks everything that science gave us is wrong'

'I know what God thinks
God thinks you're an idiot'

piebilde 1: negribēju nevienu aizvainot, ja nu kas.
piebilde 2: viņiem jau vsp visām dziesmām teksti IR..

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