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@ 2010-01-03 14:03:00

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Mūzika:patrick swayze - she's like the wind

pamācība attiecībām
'Just because she's likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn't mean she's your soul mate.'

'People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.'

'Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total misreading of the movie 'The Graduate'.'

'- It sucks! Why is it pretty girls always think they can treat people like crap and get away with it?
- Centuries of reinforcement..'

'Every day you make me proud, but today you get a card.'

'- It’s off.
- What?
- Me and Summer.
- Was it ever on?
- No. But it could have been. In a world where good things happen to me.
- Yeah well, that’s not really where we live.'

'- You believe that shit?
- What shit?
- I think I missed something.
- She said “It was good.” Emphasis on the good. She basically said she spent the weekend having sex with some guy she met at the gym. It’s over.
- What the hell is wrong with you?!
- She’s not interested in me. There’s really nothing I can do about that.
- Just because she said that ”it was goooood?”
- And some other things.
- Did she said “hey” instead of “hi”, I mean, cause you know that means she’s a lesbian, right?'

'I just like being on my own. Relationships are messy and feelings are always getting hurt. Who needs all that? We’re young.. We’re in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. Might as well as much fun as we can and leave the serious stuff for later.'

'- I like Ringo Starr.
- Oh, come on, nobody likes Ringo Starr.
- That's what I like about him.'

/citāti no m/f "(500) Days of Summer"/

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