L ([info]kbrgs_) rakstīja [info]par_velti kopienā,
@ 2008-02-10 13:19:00

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squarepusher -feed me weird things
nobukazu takemura - childs view remix
herbie hancock - future
david bowie -london boy
bob marley - no sympathy
bob marley and the wailers - rastaman vibrationklutch - 8bit freehand
solomon burk e- dont give up on me
5nzza - 5nizza
nu&happy - legkoe leto kazantipa (sweet electro)
suede - everything will flow (singls)
22 pistepirkko - rally of love
autechre - anvil vapre
autechre- cichlsuite

visi originalie cd
savaksana lacplesa barona sturis

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2008-02-10 13:43 (saite)
ja bus kas palicis pari, tad

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