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Apr. 25., 2016 | 11:53 pm
posted by: pelnufeja in pajautaa

Kurā darbā Fuko saka, ka tikai pār brīvu cilvēku ir iespējams īstenot varu?

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Comments {2}

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from: [info]aleja
date: Apr. 26., 2016 - 10:05 am

In his essay, “The Subject and Power,” Foucault defines the exercise of power as “a mode of action upon the actions of others.” The exercise of power can be either positive or negative. Considered from a positive point of view, it involves the “governing”—understood in the broadest sense as training, shaping, or directing toward a goal or set of goals—of human beings. In these types of power relations, Foucault insists that we are dealing with relations among free subjects.

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from: [info]pelnufeja
date: Apr. 26., 2016 - 12:03 pm

Liels paldies.

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