
High fructose corn syrup

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Jan. 17., 2013 | 03:06 pm
posted by: antijahve in pajautaa

Čau, cibiņi!

Kā HFCS tulkojas latviski uz mūsu veikalos pieejamās paikas marķējumiem? vienkārši glikozes sīrups?


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Comments {6}

from: [info]hessin
date: Jan. 17., 2013 - 11:17 pm

no wikipedia - In the European Union (EU), HFCS, known as isoglucose or glucose-fructose syrup, is subject to a production quota. In 2005, this quota was set at 303,000 tons; in comparison, the EU produced an average of 18.6 million tons of sugar annually between 1999 and 2001.[29] Wide-scale replacement of sugar with HFCS has not occurred in the EU.

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