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Dec. 6., 2010 | 05:20 pm
posted by: 15 in pajautaa

Dress Code: Cocktail. Ko tas nozīmē? Ko nekādā gadījumā nedrīkst vilkt, ja šāds "kods" norādīts ielūgumā?

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Comments {12}

from: [info]eermaniitis
date: Dec. 6., 2010 - 05:22 pm

dāmām kokteiļkleita

atbilstoši kungiem vai nu smokings vai tumšs uzvalks

A short gown.

Also known as a 'Dancing Costume' or a 'Cocktail Gown'.

Ranging in length from just above the knee to about two inches above the ankle (Tea length).

Popular materials include silk, satin and chiffon.

Try not to upstage the hostess.


Bow ties are acceptable but are very unusual and should be avoided.

The top button of the collar of the shirt must be done up.

Tie pins are generally out of fashion.

Avoid novelty items.


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from: [info]15
date: Dec. 6., 2010 - 05:40 pm

vārdsakot viss kā parasti. paldies.

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Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Dec. 6., 2010 - 10:05 pm

džinsus nevajag labāk

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from: [info]15
date: Dec. 6., 2010 - 10:55 pm

tas labi, jo man nemaz nav tādu.

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